Saturday, July 23, 2016

Service Project Day

Today we went to the village of Domingo Maiz to help clean up trash.  The Dominican kids were very helpful and excited when we came because we got to see them one last time.  We handed out candy as we went past the kids.  I loved the look on their faces when they got the candy.   I loved helping pick up trash because It felt nice to help others.  When we came back we went to dinner and listened to very nice jazz music.  The guy that was playing came directly to our table.

Gabriella Pichette, from Alleghany Co.

Today we visited a village outside of Punta Cana called Domingo Maiz. We saw a handful of our campers from our previous two days while we were picking up trash there. They were very nice and helpful. Later we went to two different schools and dropped of school supplies for each of the schools.  At one of the schools we dropped off some of my old baseball gear there and we gave candy to the kids. A couple of hours later we saw a guy playing covers to modern day electronic music. The guy was very nice and came to our table multiple times and got us to dance one time.   
Danny Cayelli, from Fairfax Co.

The highlight of my day today was going back to the village of Domingo Maiz and seeing that the 4-H Clover our group painted on the wall in the community park last year was still there!  We were able to add the 2016 4-H and Dominican participants names to the wall after we completed our trash pick up project with the community children and our Dominican teen counselors. 

Our lunch was cooked and served to us in a private home in Domingo Maiz.  We ate a typical Dominican lunch of rice, beans and meat (chicken)  and it was delicious.  I must say that I was a little surprised when one of the pieces of chicken I was served was a chicken foot.....  Since we were a large group, our host borrowed chairs from neighbors and we sat inside and outside her small home to eat. 

We were also able to drop off the school supplies we brought to two different schools.  The first one was an elementary school in Veron with 5 teachers and 160+ students in grades pre-k to 4.  The school is not large enough to handle that many students at once, so they attend in 2 shifts - either in the morning or in the afternoon, but not all day.  

The second school is Juanillo, in Cap Cana - a village near the ocean that was displaced when developers bought their land and built large homes near the beach.  The developers moved the entire village further inland and the homeowners formed a foundation to help the people rebuild in the village.  They built a school with money from the foundation.  We brought them school supplies and baseball gear.  Their school houses about 120 students from pre-k through 8th grade.  This area is more remote and we really got a sense of community as we walked through the village and stopped at the little convenience store to buy cold drinks. 

During our evening reflection time tonight, the overall assessment of the day was that the 4-H'ers truly enjoyed giving of themselves through service and also appreciated being immersed in village life.  They were able to see the contrast between life in a resort and in a local village.  They loved walking through the villages talking to children and their parents and they felt a sense of happiness among the people they saw.  The 4-H'ers also had a chance to see several domino games being played in the village streets - another contrast because most American kids would be playing video games.
It was a productive, and a good, day!
Carol Nansel, Shenandoah Co

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